
Tuition and Fees
School Fee Payment Procedures

Baga Tenger International School is a private educational institution and as such, the parents or guardians of students attending the School are charged fees relating to their attendance. Fees levied by the School can be split into refundable and non-refundable groups, and include;

Primary school

Class 1 - 5

  • Additional Fees
  • Bus Fee
  • Lunch Fee
  • Book Fee
  • Library Deposit Fee
  • Uniform Fees
  • Development Fee

Middle school

Class 6 - 8

  • Additional Fees
  • Bus Fee
  • Lunch Fee
  • Book Fee
  • Library Deposit Fee
  • Uniform Fees
  • Development Fee

High school

Class 9 - 12

  • Additional Fees
  • Bus Fee
  • Lunch Fee
  • Book Fee
  • Library Deposit Fee
  • Uniform Fees
  • Development Fee

Why Choose Us

We understand that finding the right education support is important to you. Here are the 6 key reasons why you should choose Academic Group to provide you with the support you are looking for!

Our curriculum and programs are differentiated based on students' needs. Our supportive learning environment enhances each unique student’s skill set by guiding them through hands-on academic activities. Our Learning Support Team provides each student with opportunity to grow in areas of strength and provide hands on engagement and learning so all students can reach their full potential.
All of our highly trained teachers possess many years of educational experience paired with a passion for growing and nurturing our students. Though the teachers lead the way, we also foster self-motivation, critical thinking, and accountability in our students. Our small class sizes deliver a very personalized and engaging learning experience where every student is valued and recognized.
Henderson International School’s collaborative approach gives students the opportunity to play an active role in their education and take ownership of their futures. At all ages, students balance engaging independent study with stimulating group work and team collaboration.
Real-world application is critical. Our programs are developed not only to promote student success in the classroom, but far beyond it and for years to come. Henderson International students are equipped with life tools. Students are confident, inspired and prepared.
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Developement aorem apsum dolor sit amet, adipiscing elit, sed diam nibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna aliquam erat volutpat.
Cambridge Teachers
School Bus